Connect to Power BI in an excel report

Connecting to the Power BI database from excel, it is an easy task. To do so, click on “data -> from Power Platform -> from Power BI”:


On the right side, it should appear some Power BI datasets with 2 options:

  • Insert PivotTable
  • Insert Table



  • The dataset should be available in the cloud
  • If the dataset is not listed, in the “search” field, put the name (if not appearing automatically, press the “enter” key of your keyboard)

I will begin with the pivottable, once I click on it, I will get this familiar view so I will put the different columns into the different filters:

excel excel

This is the result:


To update it, just right click on the pivottable and select “refresh”. To modify it, select “show field list”:


Let’s go with the table, once I click on it, I will get this view:


In “build”, I will put those columns and automatically, they will also appear in “filters”. I will also include in “filters”, the “created” column:


Once done, I will click on “insert table” to get this result:


To update it, same action like the pivottable but to modify it, the easier way is to recreate the table. If I don’t want, click on the table then click on “data -> properties”:


Click on “connection properties”:


Click on “definition” and in the “command text”, and before to do something, I will make it bigger by dragging the right down corner:


I will add manually the wanted column for all lines with the other columns. For instance, I will add the “state” column:

excel excel

The result:


For both (pivottable and table), the name can be changed from here:


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