Calculate the country outage (downtime) based on its bank holidays and its time schedule with a formula in an excel report

I will show you how to calculate a 24 hours downtime (outage) for different countries by taking in account its bank holidays and its time schedule (in my example, a shop schedule).

formula excel


When I use the formula ?

When I need to know the exact time of an outage for each country.


How to use the formula ?

The formula in this topic is with "," so depending of the operating system of your PC, the formula should have ";" instead of ",".


How is/are the formula(s) ?









Before to begin in the “Sheet1”, I need to create in “Sheet2” those columns:

formula excel
  • Column A: a calendar of the year
  • Column B: the day corresponding to the date with this formula in the cell B2:
    =TEXT(A2, "DDDD")
  • Column C: show the column F corresponding to the day with this formula in the cell C2:
  • Column E: the day of the week
  • Column F: the closure country of the shop
  • Column H to K: bank holidays of the country

Next, for each bank holidays of the country (column H to K), I will create an individual identification by clicking on “formulas -> name manager”:

formula excel

Click on “new”:

formula excel

Fill up the 2 fields:

  • Name: put a name
  • Refers to: put the corresponding range
formula excel formula excel
formula excel

Back to the “Sheet1”, don’t forget that the calculation is done only for 1 full day (24 hours):

formula excel
  • Column A: country name
  • Column B: time difference in CET taking as main reference “Spain”
  • Column C: opening time of the shop with this formula in the cell C3:
    NOTE: if the shop opens at 8h, change 10 by 8
  • Column D: closing time of the shop with this formula in the cell D3:
    NOTE: if the shop opens at 8h and it closes at 23h59, change 10 by 15.9998 (i.e. China)
  • Column E to G:
    • The “orange” cells in E2, F2 and G2: where I put the outage information
    • Column E: put this formula in the cell E3:
    • Column F: put this formula in the cell F3:
    • Column G: put this formula in the cell G3:

  • Column H: put this formula in the cell H3:
  • Column I: put this formula in the cell I3:


  • For Spain, the "outage country" is only 1 hour because the day 29/03/2024 is a bank holiday based on the “Sheet2” and the outage ends the next day at 11h:
    formula excel
  • For China, the “outage country” is 0 because the day 30/03/2024 is a closing day based on the “Sheet2”:
    formula excel

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