Display the data from another sheet with a formula in an excel report

When I am extracting data, most of the time, I only need some of them so in my main sheet, I just put the ones I want. For that, this formula will search the corresponding value from the extracted sheet and it will display it in my main one.

macro excel macro excel


When I use the formula ?

To get the right data for a specific condition from another sheet.


How to use the formula ?

The formula in this topic is with "," so depending of the operating system of your PC, the formula should have ";" instead of ",".


How is/are the formula(s) ?


Put this formula in sheet2:


I can use the name instead of the cell so in this case:


Vlookup is a very useful function to look for the corresponding value, if you want to know more, read Vlookup, a quick way to find the value of a condition in an excel report.

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