Sort from top or from down using a macro in an excel report

This macro will sort the column from A to Z (ascending order) or to Z to A (descending order).

macro excel macro excel


When I use the macro ?

When I want to sort the column chronologically.


How to create the macro ?

Read How to create, edit, hide and select a macro in an excel report


How to create the button to associate it with the macro ?

Read How to create a button and associated it to a macro in an excel report


How is/are the macro(s) ?

Copy the code below and paste it into your macro. You will see my comments in green if exist so follow the help to adapt to your need.

Sub test()
' change Sheet1 by yours
' change A2:B10 by yours
' change B2 by the column to sort
' change xlAscending by xlDescending for descending order
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:B10").Sort Key1:=Range("B2"), Order1:=xlAscending
End Sub              

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