ITIL 4 Acquiring Managing Cloud Services Certification Course: Co-create - Operating Models

1. What happens to an operating model when moving to the cloud ?

Facilitate operations design

Enable strategy

Align consumer and CSP operating models

Consumer may need to adapt

Operation model frames organization

Poor model affects services and products

Cloud impacts operating model significantly

Understand cloud:

  • Dependencies
  • Dynamics
  • Risks

Outsourcing and insourcing

Review dependencies

Greater cloud use means greater delegation to CSP

Shared value co-creation


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2. Running multiple/parallel operating models

An organization can have:

  • Multiple operating models
  • Parallel operation models
    • Cannibalism (strategy rapidly deconstructed)
    • Erosion (existing revenue funds new strategy)
    • Concurrence (new and old model operate together)
    • Synergism (new model enhances old)

How will cloud affect current model ?

Rapid or gradual change ?

Balance risks

Operating model guides value co-creation

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