ITIL 4 Managing Professional Certification Course: High Velocity IT (HVIT) - Service Value Chain

1. Service value chain

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1.1 And DevOps

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1.2 And the service consumer

Service consumers focus on acquisition, provision, and use

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Service provider and the service value chain

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1.3 And value streams

Value stream comprises an actual series of steps to create and deliver products and services to consumer (activity point)

HVIT orgs may have multiple concurrent value streams

Critical aspects for the value stream:

  • Governance
  • Execution
  • Improvement
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2. Digital product lifecycle

Starts with exploration:

  • Service consumer exploring the market for possible solutions
  • Service provider exploring market opportunities and potential customers

They may discover each other and engage, sometimes leading to a transaction

Before service is provided/consumed there are onboarding activities for both

Value is co‐created until consumer or provider terminate the agreement

Service provider and service consumer each have their own lifecycle:

  • These overlap during the period of engagement
  • Simplified version of lifecycle described in DSV: explore, onboard, co-create, offboard, retired
  Service provider Service consumer
Explore Research and develop product and service offering Become aware of product and service offering, assess it and enter into an agreement
Onboard Instance of the product is installed and user organization is onboarded, sometimes with a transition from a replaced product or service
Co-create Deliver and support product. Experience increasing, stable or decreasing ROI, decide whether to buy, hold or sell (improve, retain, replace/retire) Use the product. Experience increasing, stable or decreasing value, decide whether to replace/retire
Offboard Instance of the product is uninstalled and user organization is offboarded, sometimes with a transition to a replacement product or service
Retired Service provider no longer offers or supports the product Service consumer no longer uses the product, but other service consumers may be using it

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