Power BI: create a trend chart

It is not as easy as with excel or with ServiceNow because when I take a look in the “visualizations”, I see a lot of options but not the trend one and if I select “stacked column chart”, it will not do the trend. For instance, I have this data:

power bi

Trying to do the trend, I got this:

power bi

It seems correct, right ? But not, because, the “created” date, all are 2021 except February which is 2022 so the order is not correct.

To make it right, I need to create a new column from “data”, in the “table tools”, select “new column”:

power bi

Then put this formula:


NOTE: “created” is the name of my column where there is the date so change it to your column name

It should look like that:

power bi power bi

Then press “enter” in your keyboard or just click on the “OK” button. I will change the name, to do so, just right click on the column and select “rename” or in the formula put:

month = FORMAT([argument],"YYYY-MM")

Instead of:

column = FORMAT([argument],"YYYY-MM")

power bi power bi

If you want it weekly instead of monthly, the formula will be:


This formula will show the first week with 1 number (for instance 2022-1) instead of 2 (for instance 2022-01), to display it that way:


In the other hand, if you are going to use this column to create a weekly trend chart, use this formula:


NOTE: 2 is to say that the week begins on Monday, if you want to start on Sunday, put 1.

Now I am going back to my chart, in the “visualizations”, in the “axis”, just add the “month” (the new column) and it will display correctly.

power bi power bi
power bi

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